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News From Cameron Direct Seafood: It’s A Great Time For Oysters

News from Cameron Direct Seafood: It’s a great time for oysters

Oyster season is open, and with cooler water temperatures, the quality of oysters available in our Cameron Direct Seafood region is excellent. Because they’re superb this time of year, oysters are a special  Louisiana holiday tradition. They’re enjoyed in many delicious ways – on the half-shell, chargrilled, fried, in dressings, and more.
• Safe handling practices for oysters:
Like all foods, raw oysters require safe handling. Purchase sack oysters only from a licensed oyster dealer, and check the tag for date of harvest. Keep fresh oysters in a cooler or packed in ice until ready for processing. If stored in ice, make sure the drain plug is removed to allow water to drain, and pack with alternate layers of ice and oysters. When shucking, keep the container in an ice bath to ensure the oysters are chilled until ready for storage or consumption. People with compromised immune systems are discouraged from consuming raw oysters. The photos below illustrate safe handling practices for oysters: Oyster sacks with required tags; Oysters safely packed in ice, ready for shucking; Shucked oysters in a container with chilled water, in an ice bath.

News and photos by Cameron Direct Seafood’s Kevin A. Savoie, Area Agent-SW Region, Natural Resources-Fisheries;

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