Wild Plate Frozen Shrimp

Fresh. Frozen. Flat-out Delicious.
Louisiana Limited Wild Plate Frozen Shrimp was born as demand for authentic, wild-caught domestic seafood grows by leaps and bounds, and must now be labeled as such.
These shrimp taste so fresh and sweet because our fishermen and docks follow strict, best handling practices from the moment shrimp enter the nets.
The Harvesting Process

Shrimp stay whole and in excellent condition; nets have bycatch reduction devices, and are in the water for shorter periods of time.

Shrimp never get hot sitting out on the deck; they are cleaned, sorted and chilled in slush ice in less than an hour.

Shrimp are chemical free; fishermen must use sulfite-free dips to prevent black spot (harmless, yet ugly, melanosis). Tripolyphosphate (a preservative) is never used.
The Freezing Process
The real magic of capturing that ‘just-caught’ taste happens during plate freezing; which happens both on the boat and at the dock.

Once all shrimp are on board and chilled, they are boxed for immediate freezing in a direct contact plate freezer. This technology rapidly freezes shrimp to preserve freshness and flavor.
The frozen product is then transferred to a holding freezer below deck and held at -30º F until the vessel returns to port.