Resources to Add Value to Your Catch
Our goal at Louisiana Direct Seafood is not only outreach to consumers; we are focused on helping you, our fishermen and micro-processors, market your catch direct AND add value to raw seafood products. In this way, you can take your business beyond the boat.
Below is some basic information on the latest trends, best practices, and new equipment in micro-processing—including PowerPoint presentations from the past Beyond The Boat Seafood Processors Conferences, Louisiana Direct fact sheets, and other resources produce a safe and high quality product.

Published Articles
AgCenter Research Supports the Increase of Market Opportunities for Louisiana Seafood Industry
Extension brief: Providing Educational Support During a Public Health Emergency
Increasing the Shelf Life of Fresh Crawfish Tail Meat
Spicing Up Louisiana with Hot Sauce
Maintaining Raw Seafood Quality through Freezing
Processing Seafood Under Sanitary Conditions
Making Sense of USDA Siluriformes Inspection
Seafood HACCP and safety programs help sustain Louisiana’s coastal communities
Sea Grant and AgCenter help Luisiana catfish industry comply with new regulations