LaDIA Fellows visit the Lab
January 8, 2025
The LaDIA Fellowship program (Louisiana Discovery, Integration, and Application), offered by Louisiana Sea Grant, is designed for highly talented faculty from institutions of higher education in Louisiana to expand their knowledge of coastal concerns and enhance their ability to address coastal challenges. This year’s group began their first two-day retreat at the “Beyond the Boat” Seafood Processing Demonstration Lab, utilizing the new training room.
Dr. Evelyn Watts and Thomas Hymel, the lab directors, spoke to the group about the Louisiana seafood industry and the lab’s efforts to support the industry in overcoming challenges and creating opportunities. The fellows learned about the lab’s work in developing potential new seafood products using underutilized species and recovered seafood processing waste stream items.
The group also enjoyed a lunch of spaghetti and seafood mince meatballs.
Learn more: LaDIA – Louisiana Sea Grant